AHP Committee
Terms of Reference
January 2023
Contact: email
The AHP Committee comprises nurses and allied health professionals, who provide care for children with orthopaedic related conditions.
(The group was previously known as CYPOTC)
The aim of the group is to promote joint working between nursing, allied health professionals and orthopaedic consultants working within paediatric orthopaedics, to promote best practice and, in turn, best patient care.
- Education. To engage members in education opportunities and inform regarding the provision of appropriate educational resources.
- Research. To disseminate best practice and promote active participation in research projects.
- Clinicalpractice.Tofacilitatenetworking,peersupportandproblemsolvingacrossand within out professions.
- Leadership.ToshareandsupportguidelinesforAdvancedClinicalPracticeinpaediatric orthopaedics.
- Offer support for AHP related sessions at BSCOS events
- Promote Advanced Practice roles within paediatric orthopaedics
- Provide signposting to relevant special interest groups and organisations
- The AHP committee will be made up of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 members including the Chair and the Secretary.
- Members will be nurses and allied health professionals with an interest in paediatric orthopaedics.
- The Chair will act as the Board Liaison for matters relevant to the Board.
- Quorum for each meeting will be a minimum of four members, one of whom must be the Chair (or the Chair elect if in final year of Chair).
- All members of the AHP committee must be Affiliate Members of BSCOS.
- Terms of office for members of the committee will be three years. Members can seek re-election for a further term (maximum two terms).
- Applications to the AHP committee will be sought by the committee (with approval from the BSCOS board) as and when new members of the AHP committee are required.
- The Chair will be appointed by the AHP committee and ratified by the BSCOS board.
- The Chair will report to the Board directly on relevant matters, at least yearly.
- The term of office is three years, in the final year a Chair elect will be appointed (and
ratified by BSCOS board) and will share responsibilities in the lead up to taking over as Chair.
- The Chair may seek re-election for a further term (maximum of two terms).
- Accountability is to the BSCOS board.
Frequency of meetings
- The AHP committee will conduct business quarterly; via teleconference three- monthly, and formally at BSCOS annual members meeting.
Agreement and review
- Terms of reference agreed and ratified on __ /__ /____ by _____________________
- For review every 3 years.