Research Comittee

Dan Perry

Dan Perry (advisor)

Ignatius Liew

Ignatius Liew

Flossie Carpenter

Flossie Carpenter

Jonathan Wright

Jonathan Wright

Anna Peek

Anna Peek

Alpesh Kothari

Alpesh Kothari

Ben Marson

Ben Marson

Yael Gelfer

Yael Gelfer

Piers Mitchell

Piers Mitchell (Chair)

Contact: email
Applications for studies to be considered by the Research Committee must only be submitted using the PICO form available here



  • To support and advise the BSCOS membership on research in paediatric orthopaedic surgery.
  • To liaise with the BSCOS board on the direction and strategy of paediatric orthopaedic research in the UK.
  • To develop research links with national and international organisations and funding bodies.


The main responsibilities are to:

  • Provide professional advice and guidance for BSCOS members who have an interest carrying out prospective research in paediatric orthopaedic surgery.
  • To assess BSCOS research grant applications and share the recommendations for funding with the BSCOS Board.
  • Develop the priorities for paediatric orthopaedic research and communicate this with the membership and funding bodies.
  • Explore avenues of funding.
  • Spread awareness of current and future research projects and disseminate results to BSCOS members and beyond.
  • Suggest expert reviewers to funding bodies for grant applications in subject relevant areas.


BSCOS upholds diversity and inclusion, and the Committee will follow the principles agreed by the Society.

  • The research committee (RC) will be made up of 8 members, quorum for each meeting to be a minimum of 4 members, one of whom must be the chair.
  • The RC has the freedom to co-opt a lay patient/carer representative. The RC can liaise with the various charities to seek suitable volunteers.
  • All members except for the patient/carer representative should be full and active members of BSCOS.
  • The term of office for members will be three years. Members can seek re-election for a further term (maximum 2 terms).
  • Applications for membership will be sought by the BSCOS Board from full members of BSCOS as and when new members are required on the RC. It would be expected that there would be representation from both university and NHS employed consultants.


  • The chair will be proposed by the RC and approved by the BSCOS Board.
  • The Board shall maintain close interest in the Committee's work by means of a representative from one sitting on the other as determined by the Board.
  • The term of office is three years and the chair can seek re-election for a further term (maximum of 2 terms).


  • Accountability is to the BSCOS board.

Frequency of Meetings

  • The RC will meet every 6 months with further meetings arranged if required.